Minggu, 08 Mei 2011


I want to tell you about my friends and they have I consider to be brothers because we were always there when others tried to have a problem and in addition we also sometimes like to talk about something that indeed we think it's funny and yet again we always give kajutan when one of us was her birthday so I'm very fond of them. Well I'll memperkenalakan anyone my friends
The first named Euis he was indeed very selfish selfish person and now he lectures in midwifery recently he got a calamity which he lost his laptop and my cousin should be willing to lend my laptop to him until he could buy a new laptop. He's very smart my jug of it from starting kindergarten with the school he was always one
Then next Desti among our most patient and seldom angry on him only she was in college majoring in nursing so maybe that's what he wanted for a long time already I now rarely met with him because we were both busy with project work
Then Riska including the type of person he is quiet and always memerima anything and he happened to college together with Euis although they rarely go together to the campus and they are also not too close because of a problem
The latter bonita happened between us he is still in high school and now she was awaiting the results of the UN and we just pray may she graduated. Among them are closer to me I like to play kerumanya bonita until night sometimes I like to help him to do schoolwork But even though the different nature of each of us just tetep I am very fond of them because some say that the difference is beautiful


Salty pole, galasin, or gobak sodor is a kind of game from the Indonesian region. This game is a game group that consists of two groups, where each team consists of 3-5 people. The core game is facing the opponent so as not to get away over the line to the last line in a back and forth, and to win all the members of the group should complete the process back and forth in a predetermined area of ​​the field.
The game is usually played on the badminton court with reference lines that exist or can be by using a rectangular field with a size of 9 x 4 m, divided into 6 sections. Boundary line of each part is usually marked with chalk. Members of the group that had a turn to keep this field is divided into two, namely members of the group who keep the horizontal lines and vertical lines. For group members who have a duty to maintain the horizontal boundary line, then they will try to hinder their opponents who are also trying to pass the boundary line which has been determined as free boundary. For group members who have a duty to keep the vertical lines (usually only one person), then this person has access to the entire vertical lines located in the middle of the field. This game is very exciting and extremely difficult because each person must always be on guard and ran as fast as possible if necessary to achieve victory.
But with the development of time this game is rarely played by their children prefer to play the PS or the Internet while also land in Jakarta which is getting narrower and lack of vacant land, so to play this game quite difficult. We should preserve this traditional game and not too much to play internet and PS that cause children to be lazy learning

damage to coral reefs

Indonesia is one of the world's largest archipelagic country with a coastline of 81,000 km. In terms of biodiversity, Indonesia is known as the country with the largest marine living resources. Coral reefs are an ecosystem that was built mainly by lime-producing marine biota, especially the types of hard coral and calcareous algae. Coral reefs can be used as parameters in the aquatic environment. At this time the survival of this organism and kelasterian in danger because of various factors, including the process of sedimentation, fishing with explosives and cyanide, the flow of drainage, collection and dredging, water pollution, management of marine rekerasi places that are not professional and global warming. But the damage could be prevented and dikandalikan in good faith and with the zoning process and rehabilitation
Indonesia is the world's largest archipelagic state with the longest coastline of Canada is second only 81,000 km. Indonesia's vast territory of 7.1 million km2 of marine area that is dominated by approximately 5.4 million km2. As the nation's largest archipelago and is geographically situated between the Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean, Indonesia's marine biodiversity is not tehitung amount. Coral reefs of Indonesia are very diverse and very important role in stabilizing the environment and contribute to the physical stability of the shoreline surrounding neighborhood.
Coral reefs (coral reefs) is a tropical marine ecosystem on the basis of which was built mainly by lime-producing marine biota, especially the types of hard coral and calcareous algae. Coral reef ecosystems should be entitled benefits manifold. Namely as a place to live for a variety of other tropical marine biota sehingg coral reefs have extremely high species diversity of biota and very productive, with shapes and colors vary, so it can be used as a source of food and tourist destination. In addition, coral reef ecology in terms of functioning as a protector of the pounding surf beach.
The existence of coral reefs are very sensitive to environmental influences both physically and chemically. The effect was to change community and hinder the development of coral reefs as a whole. Kerusakn coral reefs could in principle be caused by physical factors, biological and klarena aktivita s human.
Resource utilization and development activities have an impact on coastal ecosystems lingkunagan and islands - small islands. That impact can be a threat to the decline of population, diversity of biota, as well as damage and coastal ecosystems.
The threat due to the physical form of development activities such as dredging and confinement, sewage pollution and damage to coral reefs lahan.meningkatnya conversion, today has been worrying many, because with the destruction of coral reefs will banayak affect the status of marine biodiversity that we have so far. One reason adlah arrest with explosives
The use of explosives for catching fish by the fishermen will menganykibatkan overfishing, resulting in the days of fish catch will be reduced next. Use of Potassium Nitrate (a fertilizer) as explosives will result in a huge explosion, killing fish and damaging the surrounding reefs.

Bombs rocked jakarta

  Some time ago in Jakarta in hebohkan with a mysterious parcel containing a bomb-shaped book except that there are many cases of the mysterious package was found by residents in jakarta who no one knows the sender and destination of the sender also can not be knownexactly clear to the community is expected to be aware of the parcel misterus.
             The bomb itself has a meaning that produces explosive devices that expend energy on a large and fast. The word comes from the Greek bomb βόμβος (bombos), a term that mimics the sound of explosions 'bomb' in the language generated tersebut.Ledakan bombs caused the destruction and damage to inanimate objects and living things around it, which is caused by the movement of air pressure and movement of fragment- fragment contained in the bomb, or flake fragments nearby objects. Also, bombs can also kill humans with only the sound they produce alone. Bombs have been used for centuries in conventional warfare and non-conventional.

             The bomb is a weapon, the term "bomb" is rarely used to refer to explosives that are used for civilian purposes, for example in the construction and mining. Explosive devices in the military are also many who are not called "bombs". Use of the word "bomb" in the military are usually used to refer to explosive weapons that were dropped from an aircraft without a guide. Other military explosive weapons such as grenades, mines, missiles, bullets, and explosives depth is not called "bombs". But now is the use of bombs had been mischaracterized by those who want to destroy a certain organizational and personal interests of a oraganisasi it.

All about my family

        This is a story about my family. Well my name fitri Yuningsih my family consists of 4 family members that my father named him an employee iyat ruhyat so ne of the mall in jakarta I'm very fond of him because he has many activities for my family. He is willing to work until the evening to feed our families, I know that it is not easy work and exhausting but he was still struggling for our family can still eat and can pay my school fees. Sometimes I could not bear to see him come home from work with some very tiring but I also do not know what to do but I am determined not to make him upset with me.

          Then my mother called her grandson Supinah a housewife who actively worked before he had worked as a teacher at my elementary school athu no reason why he stopped working there and he also worked as a teacher disebuah foundation remains a place where children can not afford the edge of the railroad because of many things that happened at last he stopped working there and now he's just doing housework but he also makes snacks to be sold in stalls near the house

        After that I had a brother named m.fachrudin now he has worked not many things I know about him because in addition I rarely talk to him I'm also not too close to him but clearly he's always making trouble at home and make parents I'm always fighting because of him. Although she always made my parents angry, but he still did not realize the mistake he had and continue to repeat the same mistakes

         Then the last is my own nature is pure Yuningsih my sister and I are different types of people I most do not want to make my parents angry and make them upset with me so that I always try to do something as good as possible. That's a little story about my little family