Minggu, 08 Mei 2011


I want to tell you about my friends and they have I consider to be brothers because we were always there when others tried to have a problem and in addition we also sometimes like to talk about something that indeed we think it's funny and yet again we always give kajutan when one of us was her birthday so I'm very fond of them. Well I'll memperkenalakan anyone my friends
The first named Euis he was indeed very selfish selfish person and now he lectures in midwifery recently he got a calamity which he lost his laptop and my cousin should be willing to lend my laptop to him until he could buy a new laptop. He's very smart my jug of it from starting kindergarten with the school he was always one
Then next Desti among our most patient and seldom angry on him only she was in college majoring in nursing so maybe that's what he wanted for a long time already I now rarely met with him because we were both busy with project work
Then Riska including the type of person he is quiet and always memerima anything and he happened to college together with Euis although they rarely go together to the campus and they are also not too close because of a problem
The latter bonita happened between us he is still in high school and now she was awaiting the results of the UN and we just pray may she graduated. Among them are closer to me I like to play kerumanya bonita until night sometimes I like to help him to do schoolwork But even though the different nature of each of us just tetep I am very fond of them because some say that the difference is beautiful

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