Minggu, 08 Mei 2011

Bombs rocked jakarta

  Some time ago in Jakarta in hebohkan with a mysterious parcel containing a bomb-shaped book except that there are many cases of the mysterious package was found by residents in jakarta who no one knows the sender and destination of the sender also can not be knownexactly clear to the community is expected to be aware of the parcel misterus.
             The bomb itself has a meaning that produces explosive devices that expend energy on a large and fast. The word comes from the Greek bomb βόμβος (bombos), a term that mimics the sound of explosions 'bomb' in the language generated tersebut.Ledakan bombs caused the destruction and damage to inanimate objects and living things around it, which is caused by the movement of air pressure and movement of fragment- fragment contained in the bomb, or flake fragments nearby objects. Also, bombs can also kill humans with only the sound they produce alone. Bombs have been used for centuries in conventional warfare and non-conventional.

             The bomb is a weapon, the term "bomb" is rarely used to refer to explosives that are used for civilian purposes, for example in the construction and mining. Explosive devices in the military are also many who are not called "bombs". Use of the word "bomb" in the military are usually used to refer to explosive weapons that were dropped from an aircraft without a guide. Other military explosive weapons such as grenades, mines, missiles, bullets, and explosives depth is not called "bombs". But now is the use of bombs had been mischaracterized by those who want to destroy a certain organizational and personal interests of a oraganisasi it.

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